Frequently Asked Questions


How are you able to sell a share for such a low sum?

Owners Group share the costs amongst a large group of owners (usually approximately 3,000 shares). Therefore, all of the costs are shared, meaning you can be a real owner for a fraction of the usual cost!

Are there any hidden charges?

No, the price listed per share is a one-off cost for the full syndicate period, with no further commitment.

Are there any monthly fees?

No, there is no monthly fee. All of the costs are covered by the initial one-off cost. There is no further commitment.

What will I receive for my money?

Initially, you will receive a welcome pack and share certificate. During your time as an owner, benefits include regular updates, a share of race prize money won, free stable visits, a monthly magazine, the chance to apply for free owners' badges, and more. View Benefits.

Can I buy a share as a gift?

Yes, a share in an Owners Group horse makes a great gift. You can purchase a gift on our website or by phone (01380 811888). You can select whether the welcome pack goes to you or straight to the recipient, and you can also specify a date to ensure we don't contact the recipient until after a certain date has passed.

Can I add my partner/friend to my account?

No, each share must be registered in the name of an individual only.

Can I reclaim the VAT on my share purchase?

Yes. All Owners Group owners have the opportunity to apply to have the VAT element of their payments to Owners Group refunded. However, it should be stressed that the refunds come from HMRC, and they have the final say. In other words, Owners Group can go through the procedure of requesting a refund on your behalf, but we cannot guarantee that HMRC will actually make the payment. However, at this moment in time, we are hopeful that there will be no issues receiving refund payments from HMRC.

Can I still reclaim VAT if I live abroad or am retired?

Yes, this facility is open to ALL owners. If you do not have a National Insurance number, please enter your tax identifier for your country of origin instead.

What betting information will I receive?

We will recommend a value price every time one of your horses runs, which will show you our opinion on the chances of the horse winning, enabling you to understand if the odds you are offered provide good value (in our opinion).


How often will I receive an update on my horse?

You will receive a written update at least once a week, plus video updates occasionally. The written updates are likely to be more frequent when/if your horse is being entered/declared in races.

When will my horse run?

Given that a racehorse is a living being, anything can happen and quite often does. Therefore, there can never be any guarantee that any horse will make it to a racecourse. Whilst we only buy horses that we believe will win races, there are no guarantees that a horse will reach our expectations. We keep owners fully informed throughout the journey.

How much notice do I receive when my horse is going to run?

We will inform owners as soon as we receive an entry or declaration update. Owners Group places no restriction on the number of entries that a trainer may make, and each trainer can choose any racecourse, no matter how far it is from his/her yard. This policy (although expensive) gives the trainer the luxury of choice. Each race has a closing date and time, before which the trainer has to decide whether or not the horse will run in that particular race. This is normally 48 hours prior, for a Flat race and 24 hours prior, for National Hunt. This is known as making a DECLARATION for the horse to run, as opposed to the initial (obligatory) ENTRY. Whilst the official BHA declaration period of 24 or 48 hours can prove to be inconvenient for some Owners Group owners wanting to make firm travel arrangements etc., that is the reality of horseracing, and unfortunately there is nothing that can be done about that. Furthermore, even if the horse is DECLARED to run, something may go wrong and the horse may be withdrawn from the race and become a NON-RUNNER.

What happens to the prize money, if applicable?

Race prize money (the sum paid by Weatherbys in accordance with the rules of horse racing) is distributed amongst the Members of the syndicate concerned at the end of each syndicate term, save where a sum in excess of £200,000 accrues, in which case distribution shall be made within a reasonable period from the date of the company's receipt from Weatherbys. See terms and conditions for further information.

Will I be able to visit the horse at the stables?

Yes, we arrange organised stable visits to all of our trainers. More information will be announced to all owners. Although we are unable to offer bespoke visits, we hope that all owners will be able to attend one of our organised visits.

Will I be able to attend the racecourse when my horse runs?

We give away the owners' badges (some free and some at a reduced price) via a ballot. This is a truly memorable experience, particularly if your horse is a winner! Even if you are not lucky enough to receive an owners' badge, lots of our owners still choose to attend the racecourse to watch their horse from the stands.

If I have multiple shares, do I receive multiple chances in a ballot?

Yes, you will receive one chance in any ballot for every share that you own in that horse.

What colour silks will the jockey wear?

The Owners Group silks are mauve body and sleeves, with black chevrons on the sleeve. The jockey will usually be wearing a black cap.

How do you choose the trainer?

We have a great relationship with a large number of some of the top trainers in the UK. We will place a horse with a trainer based on a number of factors, including where we believe the horse will progress in the best possible way.


Will I receive a refund if the horse is injured or not able to race for any reason?

Given that a racehorse is a living being, anything can happen and quite often does. Therefore, there can never be any guarantee that any horse will make it to a racecourse. The horse still requires lots of care and attention when injured (sometimes with large vets bills). Therefore, no refund can be provided if a horse doesn't make it to the racecourse. If the syndicate is ended early, then a pro-rata refund will be provided of all costs, excluding any capital costs.

Can I swap my share to a share in a different Owners Group horse?

No, a share purchase cannot be changed to a different horse after purchase.

Is the horse insured?

All Owners Group horses are covered for mortality insurance, with a theft extension. Therefore, the syndicate would be able to make a claim in the event of the death or theft of the horse, at any point during the syndicate term. In the event of a claim, all funds received would be distributed amongst the syndicate owners, in accordance with the number of shares held.

What happens at the end of the syndicate term?

All Owners Group horses have a set syndicate term, which usually lasts for approximately 12 months, although this can vary. Towards the end of the term, owners will receive a report from the trainer and the Owners Group team, specifying the horse's prospects going forward and a recommendation on whether we believe the horse should continue into a further term, giving everyone the chance to renew for a further term. The renewal price is very likely to be cheaper than the price paid to purchase the share(s) in the first instance, as owners will have already paid for their share of the capital of the horse. Therefore, the renewal price just includes the ongoing racing/training fees, management fees, insurance, VAT, and the contribution towards the Owners Group Horse Retirement Fund. Owners are not obliged to renew their share(s) if they don't wish to; it's completely their choice. Once the syndicate term ends, any relinquished share(s) will automatically be released for sale and, if those share(s) sell elsewhere, owners will receive the relevant share capital value of the horse, credited to their Owners Group account. If a low number of owners decide to renew their shares, the syndicate may be re-structured (see Terms and Conditions), or the horse may potentially be sold. If a horse is sold, the net sale price will be divided by the number of shares in the syndicate, and all owners will receive their share of the net sale price to their Owners Group account. If the syndicate does not continue into an extended period, any renewal payment for that new period will be refunded.

If I choose to renew my share(s), how much will the renewal be?

The renewal price is very likely to be cheaper than the price paid to purchase the share(s) in the first instance, as owners will have already paid for their share of the capital of the horse. Therefore, the renewal price just includes the ongoing training fees, management fees, insurance, VAT and the small contribution to the Owners Group Horse Retirement Fund.

What will happen to the horse when he or she is retired from racing?

Racehorse welfare is our top priority. We are extremely passionate about the welfare of all of our horses, and will always ensure that any horse retired from Owners Group is given a loving home when they retire from racing. See more information on our Welfare page.


How can I view my account balance?

Your account balance will be displayed on your weekly report email, and on the covering letter with your magazine. You can also view the account balance (and full statement) via our website, after you have logged-in (on the Account page).

What can I spend my account balance on?

You can spend your account balance on a new share or a renewal. Alternatively, you can withdraw the balance. Such a withdrawal shall be made by cheque and subject to the deduction of a £1 fee (inc. VAT) to cover the cost of administration, postage and bank charges.

How can I register my National Insurance number, to reclaim the VAT?

You can submit your National Insurance number via our website, after you have logged in (on the Account page).

When will I receive any reclaimed VAT?

The VAT application can take some time, so any successful applications will usually be paid towards the end of the syndicate period.

How can I change my personal details?

You can change your email address and mobile number via our website, after you have logged in (on the Account page). If you need to change your name or postal address, please email us at

When will I receive any prize money, if applicable?

Race prize money (the sum paid by Weatherbys in accordance with the rules of horse racing) is distributed amongst the Members of the syndicate concerned at the end of each syndicate term, save where a sum in excess of £200,000 accrues, in which case distribution shall be made within a reasonable period from the date of the company's receipt from Weatherbys. See terms and conditions for further information.

Why haven't I received my share certificate for a renewed term?

Your certificate will not be posted until the point that the syndicate is confirmed as going ahead. If you haven't received it within 10 days of this confirmation, please contact us.

Who and where do I meet at the racecourse, once I have successfully applied for a badge?

If you have been allocated an owners' badge (by us), please aim to meet up with your fellow owners in the very centre of the parade ring, twenty minutes before the designated start time of the race. Look out for the trainer, or trainer's representative, and the jockey, who should appear approximately ten minutes before the race. An Owners Group representative may also be present, so please introduce yourself to them before the race.

What is the dress code at the racecourse?

The general expectation is smart dress. Some racecourses may refuse admission to racegoers who are not dressed in accordance with their dress code. To avoid disappointment, we advise gentlemen to wear a shirt and tie, and smart dress is encouraged for all Owners. Ladies should be dressed smartly. No denim, sportswear or trainers, please.

If I win an owners' badge, can I bring a guest with me?

No, due to the strictly limited numbers, winners will be given one badge only (it is NOT possible to take a guest in with you). However, any guests can usually purchase a general admission badge at the racecourse, but they wouldn't be able to access the owner areas at the racecourse.

Which parts of the racecourse does an owners' badge give me access to?

Unless you are specifically advised otherwise, the owners’ badge will usually provide access to all public areas around the racecourse, as well as post-race access to the winners' enclosure (if your horse wins or is placed) or the unsaddling enclosure, where you and your fellow owners can meet the jockey and trainer (or their representative) for a debrief. Please only attend the parade ring and winners’ enclosure to see the horse you have been allocated a badge to see, and at no other times of the day.

If you have any further questions, please contact us.

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